Tpha Test Kit. CMemasukkan 75 цl control test ke sumur 2 DMemasukkan 75 цl test sel ke sumur 3 EMenginkubasi 4560 menit pada temperatur ruang 98 Seorang analis melakukan tes quantitatif terhadap sampel serum pasien yang telah positip TPHA secara qualitatif secara prosedural setelah mempersiapkan reagen dan sampel diatas meja kerja pada plete.
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Treponemal test로는 fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed test (FTAABS) T pallidum haemagglutination assay (TPHA) T pallidum passive particle agglutination (TPPA) chemiluminescence immunoassay (CIA) enzyme immunoassay (EIA) 등이 있습니다 즉 nontreponemal test 인 VDRL 혹은 RPR 중에 한가지 정량검사와 treponemal test 중 서로 다른.
성병 매독검사 해석방법 매독진단 알고리즘
Macroscopic assessment of tissue and selection of areas for microscopic examination Microscopy of tissue sections mounted on slides and stained most commonly with haematoxylin and eosin in the first instance then treated with a variety of special stains selected case by case to identify pathogens and other abnormal features (1).
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Test obciążenia glukozą (2pkt 50g 01h) osocze fluorkowe lub szczawianowekrew pobrać do probówki z szarym korkiem 1 2200 951 Test obciążenia glukozą (3pkt 75g 0 1 i 2h) osocze fluorkowe lub szczawianowekrew pobrać do probówki z szarym korkiem 1 2800 953 Test obciążenia glukozą (2pkt 75g 02h) osocze fluorkowe lub szczawianowekrew pobrać do.
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The proline aminopeptidase test is an indirect test for a chemical produced by the organisms associated with bacterial vaginosis Prolineaminopeptidase assay has a reported sensitivity of 93 % and a specificity of 93 % for BV (WHO 1999) The BVBlue system (Gryphus Diagnostics LLC) is a point of care chromogenic diagnostic test for BV based on the presence of elevated.