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UIN Maliki Malang Repository is an online resource which collects preserves and disseminates the results of scientific work (in digital form) that is written by the academic community of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang the interface is in Indonesian and there are RSS feed to alert users of new content.
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The positive results that contributed to this research are positive things that can be used by educators in the use of Whatsapp group as an effort to foster confidence for students to speak Arabic train students to dare to speak Arabic and become one of the source of thought for speaking skills learning strategies in PKPBA UIN Maliki Malang Based on the above objectives this research is a Author Halimatus Sa`diyahDivisions Faculty of PsychologyPublish Year 2019Item Type Journal Article.
Femininity and masculinity in arabic words: gender marking in
The Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) language strongly indicates the sociolinguistic phenomenon as it reflects gender marking in language use This study aims to explore how the Arabic letters attributed to specific gender identities how the gender ideology of Arab culture create gender biases and how the biases influence Arab social structure.
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