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The UserAgent request header is a characteristic string that lets servers and network peers identify the application operating system vendor and/or version of the requesting user agent.

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Pe FilesStructure of A Pe FilePe HeadersData Directories & Section HeadersWhat About The CLR?ConclusionNET assemblies are built on top of the PE (Portable Executable) file format that is used for all Windows executables and dlls which itself is built on top of the MSDOS executable file format The reason for this is that when NET 1 was released it wasn’t a builtin part of the operating system like it is nowadays Prior to Windows XP NET executables had to load like any other executable had to execute native code to start the CLR to read & execute the rest of the file However starting with Windows XP the operating system loader knows natively how to deal with NET assemblies rendering most of this legacy code & structure unnecessary It still is part of the spec and so is part of every NET assembly The result of this is that there are a lot of structure values in the assembly that simply aren’t meaningful in a NET assembly as they refer to features that aren’t needed These are either set to zero or to certain predefined values specified in the CLR spec There are a Most of a PE file is split up into separate sections each section stores different types of data For instance the text section stores all the executable code rsrc stores unmanaged resources debugcontains debugging information and so on Each section has a section header associated with it this specifies whether the section is executable readonly or read/write whether it can be cached When an exe or dll is loaded each section can be mapped into a different location in memory as the OS loader sees fit In order to reliably address a particular location within a file most file offsets are specified using a Relative Virtual Address(RVA) This specifies the offset from the start of each section rather than the offset within the executable file on disk so the various sections can be moved around in memory without breaking anything The mapping from RVA to file offset is done using the section headers which specify the range of RVAs which are valid within that section F As I said above most of the header information isn’t relevant to NET assemblies To help show what’s going on I’ve created a diagram identifying all the various parts of the first 512 bytes of a NET executable assembly I’ve highlighted the relevant bytes that I will refer to in this post Bear in mind that all numbers are stored in the assembly in littleendian format the hex number 0x0123 will appear as 23 01in the diagram The first 64 bytes of every file is the DOS header This starts with the magic number ‘MZ’ (0x4D 0x5A in hex) identifying this file as an executable file of some sort (an exe or dll) Most of the rest of this header is zeroed out The important part of this header is at offset 0x3C – this contains the file offset of the PE signature (0x80) Between the DOS header & PE signature is the DOS stub – this is a stub program that simply prints out ‘This program cannot be run in DOS modern‘ to the console I will be having a closer look at this stub later on After the PE and COFF headers come the data directories each directory specifies the RVA (first 4 bytes) and size (next 4 bytes) of various important parts of the executable The only relevant ones are the 2nd (Import table) 13th (Import Address table) and 15th (CLI header) The Import and Import Address table are only used by the startup stub so we will look at those later on The 15th points to the CLI header where the CLRspecific metadata begins After the data directories comes the section headers one for each section in the file Each header starts with the section’s ASCII name nullpadded to 8 bytes Again most of each header is irrelevant but I’ve highlighted the base RVA and file offset in each header In the diagram you can see the following sections 1 text base RVA 0x2000 file offset 0x200 2 rsrc base RVA 0x4000 file offset 0xc00 3 reloc base RVA 0x6000 file offset 0x1200 The text section contains all the CLR metadata and code and so is by far the As you can see most of the first 512 bytes of an assembly are largely irrelevant to the CLR and only a few bytes specify needed things like the bitness (AnyCPU/x86 or x64) whether this is an exe or dll and the type of app this is There are some bytes that I haven’t covered that affect the layout of the file (eg the file alignment which determines where in a file each section can start) These values are pretty much constant in most NET assemblies and don’t affect the CLR data directly To summarize the important data in the first 512 bytes of a file is 1 DOS header This contains a pointer to the PE signature 2 DOS stub which we’ll be looking at in a later post 3 PE signature 4 PE file header(aka COFF header) This specifies whether the file is an exe or a dll 5 PE standard fields This specifies whether the file is AnyCPU/32bit or 64bit 6 PE NTspecific fields This specifies what type of app this is if it is an app 7 Data directories The 15th entry (at offset 0x168) contains the RVA and size of the CLI header inside the textsection 8 Section headers These are used to map between RVA and file offset The important one is text which is where all the CLR data is stored In my next post we’ll start looking at the metadata used by the CLR directly which is all inside the textsection.

HeaderNames Class (Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers)

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Anatomy of a .NET Assembly PE Headers Simple Talk

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GlobalSSH HTTP Net Header ( Official Tools )

UserAgent HTTP MDN

HTTP Net Header is a simple tool to manipulation data requests and response in TCP/IP headers to use with SSH Tunnel ( OpenSSH or Dropbear ) on Windows OS or Linux Unblock a websites behind firewall and get freee internet access Break the limit and get your freedom.