Masker Acnes Untuk Jerawat. Reduce acnes Treat acne & bumpy skin Suitable for senstive oily and acneprone skin Photostable (safe to use in the morning) Teen & Pregnant mom friendly BPOM Certified NA18202000303 +Show More HOW TO USE Apply 35 drops of serum into your palm Lightly press your palms onto your cleansed face and pat the serum in outwards and upwards motions.
Gunakan cuka apel sebagai masker untuk menghilangkan jerawat Caranya campur 1 sendok makan cuka apel 2 sendok makan madu dan 1 sendok teh soda kue lalu oleskan pada wajah Biarkan selama 10.
SOMETHINC BAKUCHIOL Skinpair Oil Serum Somethinc
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