Learning Law Umy. Internal audit sebagai salah satu ukuran sistem pengendalian dan pencegahan terjadinya Fraud atau kecurangan yang memungkinkan akan terjadinya korupsi atau penyalahgunaan wewenang dan akan merugikan organisasi atau perusahaan auditor internal.

Ipols Fh Umy We Learn Law With Sharia Perspective learning law umy
Ipols Fh Umy We Learn Law With Sharia Perspective from ipols.umy.ac.id

JIABR is recognised as an important platform for those interested in gaining knowledge and finding alternative solutions to protect society from unethical business conducts and to uphold justice based on the precepts of Islamic philosophy and practice.

Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research


Ipols Fh Umy We Learn Law With Sharia Perspective

(PDF) INTERNAL AUDIT rahma wati Academia.edu
